“People's choice: Image of the year" - Public Vote Launched
Following on from the success of last year’s public vote, the RAF is again allowing the public to choose their favourite RAF photograph. Last year was the first time this unique opportunity was opened up to the public and it attracted over 12,500 voters, the RAF is hoping for even more this year.
The public can have their say by visiting the RAF website to choose their winning image.

Each year, stunning photographs are published following the RAF Photographic Competition and the winning military and civilian photographers are named. Again, the RAF is very keen to hear from the public and therefore the online vote has been re-introduced.
The nine contenders for the title have been chosen by a panel of three experts from the worlds of journalism and professional photography at the 2015 RAF Photographic Competition held recently at the RAF Museum in London.

Among the judges was Martin Keene, Group Picture Editor of the Press Association, who said:
Brilliant photography is alive and well in the RAF. Having photographs that depict the amazing work the RAF does is vital, and the photos I have seen today, do just that.
Another adjudicator, former Fleet Street national newspaper photographer, Mike Moore said:
As a fellow photographer, I would have been very proud to have taken such pictures. The high quality pictures I have seen in this competition are testament to the dedication and professionalism of RAF photographers
And British Institute of Professional Photography Chief Executive Chris Harper said:
The RAF Photography Awards provided a great opportunity to see the huge variety of skills and knowledge within the RAF illustrated in some stunning imagery.
But now it’s YOUR chance to choose YOUR top shot from the contest. You can vote NOW by going online to http://www.raf.mod.uk/photo-of-the-year-2015. Polling opens today and closes at midnight on 6 September 2015. The winner will be announced at a Presentation Ceremony on 11 September 2015.

The judges have selected a shortlist of 9 of the best photographs from the whole competition and the public can now vote for their favourite image. This will become the ‘People’s Choice: Image of the Year’. Voting is at: http://www.raf.mod.uk/photo-of-the-year-2015
Voting opens today and closes at midnight on Sunday 6 September 2015. The winning Photo will be announced at the Presentation Ceremony on Friday 11 September 2015. The ‘People’s Choice: Image of the Year’ is kindly sponsored by AirTanker.