MOD News Team, 31 July 2016 – defence in the media.
In today’s defence news there is coverage of legal claims from British troops wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq, an interview with former General Richard Barrons on cyber security and a freedom of information request on MOD accommodation.
Troop’s legal claims
The Sun (p19) reports that hundreds of British troops wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan are in legal battles with the Government over compensation payouts. The MOD’s position is as follows:
An MOD spokesperson said:
It is vital that those injured or bereaved by military service receive the compensation they deserve. That’s why, since 2005, the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme has paid over £600 million to more than 30,000 individuals.
Cyber attacks
General Sir Richard Barrons has called for a part time army of “geeks” to prevent cyber-attacks from paralysing Britain in an interview with The Sunday Times (p20). “Big wars are won by civilians”, the retired General points out, going on to say that “in a crisis we need them to stand up for their country”. Barrons goes on to say that reservists make armed forces not just bigger, but better.
Hotel bill
The Sunday Times (p16) runs a story on hotel bills revealed in a recent FOI, claiming that the MOD has spent tens of thousands of pounds on hotel accommodation. The MOD’s position is as follows:
An MOD spokesperson said:
We are making significant savings in travel costs and always expect our staff to demonstrate the highest standards of responsibility when incurring travel expenses. Hotel stays such as these are only approved when they are the most cost-effective solution.
Celebrity uniforms
In a diary piece in the Mail on Sunday (p20), the paper claims that celebrities are given free uniforms by the MOD when they become high profile ambassadors. The MOD’s position is as follows:
An MOD spokesperson said:
Honorary ranks like these are given to ambassadors with close ties to the military who champion the Services; their voluntary work inspires young people, supports recruitment and helps to inform the public of the outstanding work of our dedicated service personnel.
TYPE 45s
Multiple papers including the Independent, Mail on Sunday, Sun, Sunday Mirror and Daily Star Sunday, pick up yesterday’s coverage of all 6 Navy Destroyers being in port at the same time. The MOD’s position is as follows:
An MOD spokesperson said:
This week the Royal Navy had over 8,500 personnel deployed on operations around the world and 34 ships at sea.
All Type 45 destroyers are currently in port as they have either just returned from operations, or are about to be deployed, are conducting training or carrying out maintenance or are home for crew to take summer leave.
Picture of the day