Defence in the Media: 15 June 2015

...repeat of a story previously featured in The Daily Star on 23 March, The Daily Express incorrectly reports that a third of the RAF’s front line jets are not fit...
...repeat of a story previously featured in The Daily Star on 23 March, The Daily Express incorrectly reports that a third of the RAF’s front line jets are not fit...
...Defence Secretary Michael Fallon’s praise for the Falkland Islanders, who will receive a military medal from the Prime Minister after 33 years. Locals helped moved ammunition and kit from San...
...Elsewhere, the Daily Telegraph, The Sun and Mail write that an Army officer who was running the test march failed to notice that one of the men had not moved...
We currently have a major UK/French exercise underway that is developing the working relationship between the two nations’ navies. But how many people know about this partnership?
Yesterday’s unveiling of the Bastion War Memorial features prominently in print media today and several outlets are reporting that the US is spending more than $9m (£5.7m) a day on the war against ISIL.
...was one of 12 microbiologists from the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) who deployed to Sierra Leone to work in Public Health England’s (PHE) Diagnostic Laboratory within the Kerry...
...(from each Squadron), Tucano, Tutor, King Air, Hawk (208), Hawk (IV), Griffin, Squirrel and Voyager. Meanwhile, in the United States the F-35B programme is making good progress. Royal Navy and...
The Bastion war memorial will be unveiled today, as the Guardian leads with an interview with two senior Islamists and European support for action against Russia cools. Bastion War Memorial...
...LGBT forum. It references that all three services are in Stonewall’s Top 100 employers and says the transformation in attitude has been “striking”. It adds that the MOD recognises that...
...main road and later died, was said to have been moving “between running and a fast walk” on the final leg of the 16-mile march. The Guardian reports that it...
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