Defence in the media: Wednesday 9 May 2018

Today’s defence related news includes coverage of the British Army's new Chief of General Staff.
Today’s defence related news includes coverage of the British Army's new Chief of General Staff.
...Daily Mail, which reflects that the new generation of around 50 Apache attack helicopters is entering service with the Army in the early 2020s. The article links the announcement to... an enduring example of British imagination, ingenuity, invention that will help keep us safe for decades to come. She is built by the best, crewed by the best and...
Today’s defence related news includes coverage of the Army training schedule and further reporting on the Royal Marines. Army exercises The Times speculates today on the British Army exercise programme. An MOD spokesperson said: Britain has the largest defence budget …
Today’s defence related news includes coverage of the Defence Secretary’s speech on cyber threats and the news that Phil Shiner has been struck off for misconduct.
...Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, speaking at the ceremony, has renewed his commitment to a nuclear weapons free Japan. There are also a wide range of Defence related stories covered in...
Defence issues in the news today include calls for the Army to help secure Calais, follow up coverage of Army numbers, and the confirmation of the death of Taliban leader Mullah Omar.
...reserves. Service inquiry The Independent and The Star report on the conclusion of the Service Inquiry into a Lynx helicopter crash in Afghanistan in April 2014. The articles note that...
...Facebook and Twitter to spread 'lies' to help fight Isil. The article goes on to suggest that General Barrons has said that the West is lagging behind Isil, which is...