Army teams successfully detonate World War Two bomb found in London

...legacy munitions around the United Kingdom; almost 2,000 tasks were conducted in 2014. Whilst this is at the larger end of the scale, the approach to the task is no...
...legacy munitions around the United Kingdom; almost 2,000 tasks were conducted in 2014. Whilst this is at the larger end of the scale, the approach to the task is no...
...Kent viewing the flotilla from the HMS Trumpeter. Today is a particularly poignant day for Lieutenant Chris Chew RN, Commanding Officer of HMS Trumpeter who said: It’s an absolute privilege...
Falkland Islands It is widely reported, including in The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail and The Guardian, that Britain is to boost its defenceson the Falkland Islands following Defence Secretary...
Defence spending The US is confident that Britain remains a "force of its own in the World", the Defence Secretary says today amid a growing backlash over the Conservative's failure... Vanuatu at 2 pm local time on Thursday 19 March, carrying 1,640 shelter kits which can house families of five people and more than 1,900 solar lanterns with inbuilt...
...(old uniform) and LT Strachan (new uniform) on board HMS LANCASTER, 19 March 2015. [Picture: Crown Copyright] Follow us on Twitter and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts....
Prince Harry After initial speculation several days ago, Prince Harry has confirmed that he will be leaving the army after a 10 year career in which he experienced two tours...
...and women last year alone on more than 300 commitments in 50 countries. Since 2010 we have delivered sustained contributions to operations most notably in Afghanistan, including the successful transfer...
...danger. Image of the day Every year on the second Monday in March, 53 countries join together in celebration of the links they share as members of one diverse and...
Op Honours There has been widespread continued coverage of the awards given to service men and women in last week’s Operational Honours list. The Sunday Telegraph, The Sunday Times, The...