Defence in the media: 28 May 2015

Defence related news coverage today focuses on the Queen’s speech as well as further coverage of ISIL, including the story that jihadists have unleashed a wave of suicide attacks targeting...
Defence related news coverage today focuses on the Queen’s speech as well as further coverage of ISIL, including the story that jihadists have unleashed a wave of suicide attacks targeting...
Items of Defence interest included in broadcast bulletins this morning include reports of the launch by the Iraqi government to “take back” Ramadi and surrounding western Anbar province from ISIL.
Of note for Defence in the news today is the continuing coverage focusing on doubts over the Iraqi forces’ ability and willingness to fight ISIL. ISIL The majority of papers...
...board to ensure the agreed flight plan was followed. We posted an article on this blog site yesterday with an explanation of the flight from one of the RAF crew...
...and women last year alone on more than 300 commitments in 50 countries. Since 2010 we have delivered sustained contributions to operations most notably in Afghanistan, including the successful transfer...
Ebola There is widespread coverage that a female Army medic has tested positive for the Ebola virus in Sierra Leone. Public Health England, the Department of Health, the Ministry of...
Air near miss The Daily Mirror and other regional media outlets have offered stories relating to an Air Proximity report from last year and much of the commentary has been sensationalised.