Defence in the media blog: Thursday 31 August

Today’s defence news includes coverage of HMS Argyll heading to Japan and soldiers awarded medals for their work in South Sudan.
Today’s defence news includes coverage of HMS Argyll heading to Japan and soldiers awarded medals for their work in South Sudan.
Today's defence news includes the Royal Navy’s future submarine concepts and the death of ex-RAF cadet.
...The Scotsman, The Herald (Glasgow), Times of Oman, Muscat Daily, Oman Tribune and Gulf Daily Online all report on Sir Michael Fallon's visit to Oman. Outlets cover the news that...
Futuristic submarines and the Defence Secretary’s visit to Oman feature in today’s defence in the media blog.
Today’s defence related news includes the announcement that the RAF Red Arrows will visit the Middle East next month.
...Military Tattoo, with particular focus on how service women have gathered to celebrate 100 years of women in the Armed Forces. The coverage notes that ahead of this year's final...
Today's defence-related news features coverage of the Defence Secretary's visit to 2 SCOTS at Glencorse Barracks ahead of their upcoming deployments around the world, and the Defence estate in Scotland....
Today's defence news includes the 150th anniversary of the Shipping Forecast.
...Lennox-Boyd Trophy for her work with the RAF Air Cadets. The likes of the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mirror and The Sun report that the award - from the Aircraft Owners...
Defence news today includes reporting that Royal Navy warship HMS Monmouth has helped carry out a number of drug seizures in the Gulf and Indian Ocean. Royal Navy Following coverage at the weekend, there is further reporting today in The …
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