Defence in the Media: 10 December 2015
...of Lancasters Regiment (2 LANCS) helping the emergency services making sure the locals are all accounted for. Follow us on Twitter and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts....
...of Lancasters Regiment (2 LANCS) helping the emergency services making sure the locals are all accounted for. Follow us on Twitter and don’t forget to sign up for email alerts....
There is reporting in the papers this morning of the launch of the 2015 Christmas Box campaign for the armed forces, foreign fighters travelling to Syria and Iraq and the Defence Committee’s inquiry into the use of Lariam.
Today's Defence news includes reporting that Daesh’s blueprint for building a viable state has been revealed, and further coverage of the UK's fight against the extremist group in Syria. Daesh The Guardian reports on a leaked internal manual that is said to be Daesh’s …
Leading the headlines in Defence news today are reports that RAF Typhoons have launched their first air strikes against Daesh in Syria last night. Coverage also claims Daesh is on the rise in Afghanistan following the withdrawal of western combat …
Making the news today, British Tornado aircraft have again operated over Syria and Iraq after taking off from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus overnight. Strikes against Daesh Several of today’s front...
Parliament has voted to extend UK air strikes against to Syria and broadcast headlines this morning are dominated by this news, alongside confirmation that RAF Tornados have conducted the first wave of air strikes in the country. Full details of …
The debate and vote on potential UK air strikes in Syria continues to dominate broadcast and newspaper headlines. It is reported that the debate in the House of Commons is expected to run through the day, with a vote later this …
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon and Lieutenant General Gordon Messenger have answered questions from the House of Commons Defence Select Committee (HCDC) on the potential for air strikes by the Royal Air Force in Syria.
...are also reports on HMS Richmond's drugs seizure in the Mediterranean. Syria There is significant coverage on the possibility of extending air strikes into Syria on the front pages and...
...he steps up efforts to win MP’s backing for air strikes against ISIL fighters in Syria. SYRIA Earlier today, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon appeared on Sunday’s BBC One current affairs...