The Defence Secretary, Penny Mordaunt, has given an interview on Reserves Day to the Portsmouth News, which is out today.
Image of the Day

The Defence Secretary conducted the interview from the deck of HMS Medway to mark Reserves Day.
The Defence Secretary said in the interview "the main message we want to send is thank you" and pledged to make the training process quicker and more accessible. The Defence Secretary praised the work of reservists, highlighting that they ‘spend huge amounts of time training, working and supporting the mission of our nation".
The article highlights the MOD’s target to increase the number of people serving as reservists to 36,000 by April next year as part of the Future Reserves 2020 proposals. After being questioned on whether the MOD could meet these targets, the Defence Secretary responded by saying "the numbers are going in the right direction" and pledged to improve the retention of reservist staff. The Defence Secretary also said she would be encouraging other reservists to help with recruitment, claiming "the best recruitment tool is these reservists themselves".
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