Defence in the media: Tuesday 8 October 2019

Coverage of defence-related issues in the media today includes online reports of Royal Navy ships escorting Russian warships passing UK shores and a new fundraising campaign by the charity Help...
Coverage of defence-related issues in the media today includes online reports of Royal Navy ships escorting Russian warships passing UK shores and a new fundraising campaign by the charity Help...
...meets the 2% guideline, to aim to continue to do so. The UK also exceeds the NATO guideline to spend 20% of the defence budget on new equipment and along...
...lead role in a new NATO rapid-reaction force aimed at bolstering defence of eastern European allies, committing up to 1,000 troops and 4 fighter jets to nations fearful of Russian... cover the news that ISIL militants are planning to target the country to use north Africa as a “gateway” to southern Europe. Meanwhile, the Independent reports that ISIL is...
Defence Spending The Times splashes this morning on a Whitehall source’s comments, which suggest that the Treasury is preparing to freeze defence spending after the election, and this, the paper... spending £163 billion on equipment and equipment support to keep Britain safe. That includes new strike fighters; more surveillance aircraft; hunter killer submarines; two aircraft carriers; and the most...
...and have accused it of “freeloading” off the US. During the debate, John Baron MP criticised the Government for an "incompetent" restructuring of the Army, and said that the UK...
...of Afghanistan. The Times, Telegraph, Mail and BBC website report that Prince Harry is looking forward to a "new chapter" in his life after he departs in June after a...
British naval base in Bahrain The Independent has reported that the government will face a major legal challenge over a new Royal Navy base inBahrain following accusations that Britain sacrificed...
...and Gatwick, with only 10 per cent of its fuel supplying military airfields. The sale is excellent news – not just for Defence but for the UK taxpayer. As well...