Defence in the Media: 18 June 2016
In today's Defence media there is reporting on flights for widows of servicemen killed in the Falklands conflict.
In today's Defence media there is reporting on flights for widows of servicemen killed in the Falklands conflict.
...Government spokesperson said: We are working hard to make sure that we source British steel where we can. UK suppliers have provided significant quantities of steel for major defence equipment...
...defences. Saudi visit The Independent carries articles referencing the Defence Secretary’s engagement visit to Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region this week. The outlet puts focus on three death penalty...
Today sees further reporting of the Defence Secretary’s comments made in the House yesterday with coveragedebating whether military action against ISIL militants should be extended to Syria. Corporal Stewart McLaughlin...
Falkland Islands It is widely reported, including in The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Mail and The Guardian, that Britain is to boost its defenceson the Falkland Islands following Defence Secretary...