Defence in the Media: 15 May 2015
...relief effort in Nepal, are still in India, where they have been for two weeks. Both articles suggest that a decision will be taken soon on whether the Chinooks will...
...relief effort in Nepal, are still in India, where they have been for two weeks. Both articles suggest that a decision will be taken soon on whether the Chinooks will...
Today’s broadcast news continues to focus on newly appointed Cabinet ministers. Elsewhere news has broken that Nepal has been hit by another earthquake of 7.4 magnitude broke this morning.
Air near miss The Daily Mirror and other regional media outlets have offered stories relating to an Air Proximity report from last year and much of the commentary has been sensationalised.
...the House of Lords today in a bid to protect Britain’s defence budget by tying it to overseas aid. The Times and The FT report that a growing number of...
...personnel from Afghanistan - and today undertaking refuelling tasking over the skies of Iraq not just for the RAF, but for several coalition partners as well. This allowed us over...
Russian aircraft There has also been widespread reporting today, including on the Telegraph website, that RAF Typhoon aircraft scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft travelling off the coast of the UK...