Defence in the media: Chiefs' accommodation

Today’s coverage of defence issues in the news includes several reports from Baltic Protector and a story on the cost of accommodation for senior military staff.
Daily updates of how defence is reported in the UK media
Today’s coverage of defence issues in the news includes several reports from Baltic Protector and a story on the cost of accommodation for senior military staff.
Today’s defence related news includes reporting on UK-led military exercises in the Baltic Sea.
The Sunday Mirror features a report on MOD expenses and bonuses on its front page today.
The Defence Secretary has given an interview on Reserves Day to the Portsmouth News, which is out today.
Defence news today focuses on the news that the RAF's F-35 stealth fighter jets have carried out their first operational sorties, joining the fight against Daesh in Iraq and Syria. Image of the Day There is widespread coverage of the …
Defence news today includes the appointment of the first female MOD Chief Scientific Advisor, as well as coverage of an RAF Typhoon quick reaction alert launch.
Today's coverage of defence and security issues includes coverage if a report on the disposal of military submarines following an inquiry by the Public Accounts Committee.
Today’s defence related media coverage includes further reporting on Iran, and the RAF’s support to those affected by flooding in the UK.
Images and reports from yesterday's D-Day75 commemorations in Normandy feature in every major outlet.
Ahead of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings tomorrow, national newspapers have covered a range of commemorative events. Image of the Day D-Day veterans cross the Channel The Daily Telegraph, The Times, Financial Times, The Guardian, The I, The …